An interesting E25 transmision with an exciting ending
And another surprise from E25!
The transmission began at 1214z on 9450 kHz, with the song "Inte Omri". Then at 1217z, the mechanical young lady, in a faster-than-usual pace, was calling "830 3 835". Then a message to 835 followed:
830 3 835
835 (repeated)
"Message" x3
1020 5555 x19 (an unusual message)
"Repeat"x3 (fast)
"End of message, end of transmission"
Note that the pace was a bit faster, the gaps between phrases/numbers were a bit irregular and the endings of the number "five" were more abrupt than usual.
At 1226z the message ended with the usual "EOM EOT" and then...the Windows XP shutdown sound followed! (And not Windows 98!) After this little surprise, the transmission ended.
Here is (nearly) the whole transmission (A part is missing from the beginning). The "rattling" sound is the digital station who usually interferes E25 when I use AM mode.
So E25 operators upgraded their OS? But yet, the quality of the transmission wasn't as good as expected!
Hey Manolis. Just wanted to stop by and give you props for great reportage on the numbers stations - I especially love and appreciate all the audio clips. Keep up the fine work. MDW
Hello Myke,
I'm trying to provide good sound samples of whatever I log. It is not too difficult as long as you have a 'quiet' place for your antenna and a 'quiet' audio connection between your receiver and your PC. Unfortunately, modern conveniences (TV sets, PCs, wireless etc) creates interference. Luckily in my location I have a few and not so annoying interferences. The worst is my neighbor's electric blanket :-) and a spare LCD monitor which I seldom use but creates an annoying interference right on 6140 kHz, E25's frequency!
Hi Manolis
you once promised to explain your matching transformer cutting pc noise...
still hope you are doing that
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