Monday, 22 January 2007

E25 another guy again!

There were 2 transmissions today, from a different voice. Listen!

  • 1208z: Carrier, good to very good signal strength.
  • 1211z: Music, transmission breaks.
  • 1217z: A different OM calling "830 12".
  • 1221z: QRT (what does "QRT" mean? Q-codes).
Then while waiting for another transmission, I tune on 9443 kHz to check for E11. When E11's YL said "Out", I tuned back to 9450 kHz, and voila! 20 secs after E11, the E25 transmitter was turned on. I was really lucky! Listen the whole process!
  • 1235z: Carrier on.
  • 1236z: 1000 Hz test tone.
  • 1244z: OM calling "780".
  • 1249z: "Message" x3, repeating yesterday's message.
  • 1253z: Repeat.
  • 1258z: QRT.
The signal was perfect this time, in contrast with 1208z transmission.


Ana mosh sa3eed. said...

Nice catch my friend :-)

do you mind sending e the 2 files as I always have a problem to download them from your blog..I wonder why!?
anyway keep up the good work my friend.



Anonymous said...

EXCELENT site/feed.

Please keep up the good work, I'm getting lots of inspiration from your work.

HDP160@QRMOPERAMAIL.COM Remove the interference.

