Thursday, 19 March 2009

E11a this morning

Right now (07:15 UTC), E11a is on 11486 kHz, USB, with a solid S9 signal. A 46-group message (without the initial and ending 77777's, which is E11b) for Agent "389", starting with "07946..." is in progress.

This is the full transmission.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

E10 now sends "TMS" instead of "ABC" on 6428 kHz

E10 was calling "ABC" on 6428 kHz the last few days. But right now (1545 UTC), E10 calls "TMS" in AM mode on 6428 kHz. E10 transmissions are carrier+USB but this one is AM. This recording was made with the Icom set to LSB to avoid some digital "rattle" QRM. The signal is ~S7 on LSB with S9 peaks, while it is a more or less steady S9 in AM with +10dB peaks and digi QRM.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

E10 EZI2 & E06 mix on 6840 kHz

Thanks to E10-Agent, ENIGMA 2000 members were informed about an exciting E10/E06 mix!

Specifically, on 6840 kHz E06 started calling "190" and moments later the E10 lady was calling "EZI2". E10 ended at 2003z (after the usual 3 minutes) while E06 sent a 71-group message:

865 71
72890 71657 88008 19559 03948
(Ended at 2016z with fast zeros)

E06 started with with an S6 to S8 signal but after a while he got stronger, S9...+10dB. Propagation effect or just a necessary power-up to "win" E10?

You can listen the entire transmission here. Enjoy!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

The elusive S21 Russian lady (or girl?)

S21 Russian Lady (or more likely a Russian girl) is always buried in noise and QRMed by several other transmissions. This time, despite the noise from the nearby thunderstorm, I had a decent signal.

S21 appeared on 3823 USB, approximately at 1845z, calling "323", and then "374" x2, "33" x2, and then 5-figure groups x2. I'm not sure about the first groups...

Ended at 1853z with ??? then 323 374 33 0 0 0.

Here's the whole transmission (not processed).

Sunday, 4 January 2009

The BC and Jammmer on 7540 kHz

The Arabic language Broadcast Station which is on 7540 kHz (E10 frequency) is also being Jammed. But this Jammer is different from E10's Jammer. Here is a very short clip. Please compare with my older posts regarding E10 Jamming.

Check also for a video recording from a Numbers friend from Germany, showing the reception of the BC station with a Sangean 909 (note the nice "extra" on the radio hihi!)

The BC station is "Denge Mezopotamia" and broadcasts in Kurdish: Thanks Mr. DXer!!!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

E25 strange message

My recorder got a strange E25 message on 9450 kHz.

The transmission started at 1207z, at 1208z there was 1000 Hz tone, then at 1213z the song "Inte Omri". After that, at 1216z the mechanical E25 lady started calling "830 26 835" i.e. a "control" message to 830 and a (strange) message to 835:

9999 x8, "Rebeat" x3 at 1221z, QRT at 1224z.

Just a string of eight 9999...

Signal strength was weaker than usual as a typical broadcast station (probably WYFR Family Radio) was in the background. This is a part of the transmission recorded in USB.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

E10 Jammers get aggressive

Right now (1830z) there are two Jammers on 4880 kHz. E10 sends a 115-group message starting with "GHRCA..." to ULX, and both Jammers are on the same frequency! Is this a mistake, or a ferocious attack by all means, to ULX?

So far I believe that whoever operates the Jammers, can transmit at most with two jammers. This time he/she decided to use both Jammers on the same frequency.

Here is a part of the transmission. The Jammers sometimes nearly wins ULX. Also take a closer look at their time offset in the following spectrogram images:
There is a ~25ms time difference between the two Jammer signals. Well, you can hear and see that both remain constant in terms of strength (ok both affected by a slow QSB) so I don't think this is a weird propagation phenomenon. If any of you have a different opinion, feel free to post.

The Jammers stopped at 1851z, while E10 continued with the repeat of the message, plus a weaker broadcast station in the background. E10 QRT at 1855z and the BC QRT at 1859z.