Thursday, 8 December 2011

Two nearly incomprehensible E25a transmissions

I have no idea why E25 operators mess things all the time.

The first transmission occurred today at 0802z with the E25a message "364 91" and the second at 0815z with the message "126 48". Both were on 6140kHz and in AM mode.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Strange repeat of yesterday's live E25 transmission

Yesterday, a live transmission with ID 360 took place on 6140 kHz at 0801z:

7590 1510 6060 3137 7735 4027 3558 1510 1007

Today, a "shorter version" of the above message was transmitted at 0800z. It wasn't a live transmission; the usual pre-recorded YL voice announced the the first five groups of the above message. Since the original message contains a repeat group (1510) it is obvious that today something went wrong (as usual).

A ringing sound (probably a Windows XP sound) can also be heard.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Another strange E25a message

This is another peculiar E25a message recorded today at 0915z, 6140 kHz, USB mode. I am still wondering what is the purpose of the random WinXP sounds.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

E25 transmission with severe problems

A transmission with a lot of problems happened today on 6140kHz at 1114UTC. Just listen for yourself. (Note: a constant buzz sound that appears occasionally is due to local QRN)

Friday, 16 September 2011

UNID signal on 9344 kHz

A whistle-like signal is currently present on 9344 kHz, USB mode 1051z:

Spectrogram image

Signal strength is low but clear.

Sound sample.

Any ideas?

Sunday, 31 July 2011

E25 test transmission this morning on 9450 kHz

This morning I was lucky enough to receive an E25 test transmission on its "noon" frequency, 9450 kHz. It began approximately at 0800UTC till 0827UTC. Most of the time it was only a carrier, but occasionally there was the 1000 Hz test tone, which surprisingly, at 0819UTC and 0824UTC varied in frequency. This recording is from 0817UTC onwards. At 2min 40s and at 6min 40s of the recording, the operator varies the tone frequency (no, I didn't change my receiver's frequency!)

Chile HF-Fax service log

And here is a HF-Fax log!

This is the schedule transmission logged from Chile CBV HF-Fax service, logged on 29 July 2155UTC, on 17144.59 USB:

171446.4 kHz 2155z

Many thanks to Nairam for providing the tip! He had better reception than mine as you can check his images here (schedule) and here (+36h prognosis). The transmission ended before the completion of the full schedule image.
