Sunday, 31 July 2011

Chile HF-Fax service log

And here is a HF-Fax log!

This is the schedule transmission logged from Chile CBV HF-Fax service, logged on 29 July 2155UTC, on 17144.59 USB:

171446.4 kHz 2155z

Many thanks to Nairam for providing the tip! He had better reception than mine as you can check his images here (schedule) and here (+36h prognosis). The transmission ended before the completion of the full schedule image.


Wednesday, 22 June 2011

E25 transmissions

There were two transmissions on 6140kHz today. The first one ended just before the final two numbers of the message, while the second one was an E25a transmission.

Here is the 0833z transmission, and here is the E25a transmission at 0848z.

Also, two test-like transmissions occurred on 9450 kHz, the first at 1209z and the second on 1239z. The former was just the usual 1000Hz test tone while the latter, except from the tone, had ~10 seconds of music, which was something new this time.

Here is the sample from the second transmission on 9450kHz.

Friday, 22 April 2011

E25a transmission at a furious speed

Yesterday, a very strong carrier appeared at 1304 UTC on 9450 kHz and after ~10 minutes (1315z) the usual E25 lady announced an E25a-type of message:

785 56 788 49 52 53 55

Initially the YL said "788 9" instead of "788 49". That was her mistake. It still needs practice and patience to follow her. It is odd that sometimes, when the number which follows is the same, the pause in between is bigger.

The strange (and funny) thing is that after the end of the transmission, at 1321 UTC, the YL started again, in a frantic pace. Then, at 1323 UTC, she was repeating "78" and then "Message" x3, "Rebeat" x3, "End of message, end of transmission" and a couple of WinXP sounds (the kind you get when you are browsing with Explorer" were heard.

Anyway, here's yesterday's recording (trimmed for brevity).

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Two E25 transmissions on 9450kHz, with lots of PC sounds

The recording starts at 1315z on 9450 kHz, AM mode. After the first transmission and during the second transmission, a lot of PC sounds are heard. Any ideas?

Another transmission occurred on 9450 kHz at 1244z (a message to 440, which is the same since 22/02). Also, earlier this morning, a transmission occurred on 6140 kHz, at 0800z:

6421 4880 3351 9836 8953 3361 4186 6507 3344 4586 4880 5390

The station was up at least since 0753z with OM music. WinXP sounds were heard again, the YL ended with “EOM 3...”. It was a strong signal.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

WinXP shutdown sound after an E25a transmission on 9450 kHz

Today there was a transmission on 9450 kHz at 1313z. The strange thing was, while being an E25a transmission (which means no message body), the YL said "Message" three times, and continued to call "785 46". Usually, a runaway "Message" can be heard during E25a messages but in the end of the transmission. After calling "785 46" a couple of times, the YL said "Message" twice, and the WinXP shutdown sound was heard.

Here is the recording of the full transmission.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

E25 transmissions today on 9450 kHz

This day we had three E25 transmissions, all on 9450 kHz.

Here are the message details and recordings:

1st transmission:
1219 UTC Carrier in progress
1228 UTC The song "Arouh Le Min" from Umm Kulthum was heard
1230 UTC Th YL started calling "555", with irregular spaces between numbers, sometimes the numbers are not "spoken" as a whole.

1232 UTC "Message" x3
9104 6031 8741 0413 3253 8882 6157 7803 8487 0312
8828 2497 8741

1235 UTC "Rebeat" x3
1237 UTC "End of message, end of transmission"

Recording (note, I accidentally switched to USB)

2nd transmission:
1242 UTC Carrier
1244 UTC YL calling "440"
1245 UTC "Message" x3
8237 4031 4710 2377 1161 8115 5905 2141 0105 3069
1730 7939 4710

1248 UTC Pause till 1249 UTC, then "Rebeat" x3
1252 UTC Ended with "EOM" only, carrier QRT at 1308 UTC


3rd transmission:
1342 UTC Music, "Arouh Le Min"
1345 UTC YL calling "227 17, 220 18 19 20, 222" irregular spaces between numbers
1350 UTC "222" repeated, then "Message" x3
5279 4411 0810 5897 2744 2999 2440 4217 0585 4482


Note that during the third transmission, a BC station was on the same frequency, but here in my QTH, E25 is much stronger (+20dB or +30dB, while the BC station peaks S7)

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Hooray! A new edition of rfax.pdf from NOAA!

I just noticed the existence of a newer edition (9 Feb 2011) of NOAA's HF fax guide. Because it took me ages to download it from their site, here is a copy of it!