Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Let's try... videoblogging!

Hello guys,

I know a lot of time passed since my last Numbers-related post, so I have a small surprise for you!

This is my new radio, an Icom IC-R75:

And of course is tuned on my favorite station... And it's morning, and you can see the signal strength meter...

So now you can see E25 hihihi!

Thursday, 6 December 2007

New edition of rfax is available

A new edition of rfax.pdf, the well-known radiofacsimile schedule issued by NOAA can be downloaded from here. Happy hunting!

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

V07 loud and clear this morning

Another brilliant Enigma2000 newsletter is out and I thought to give a try to Gert's Prediction List (which is a handy tool for newcomers and experienced listeners). I tried V07 on 13552 kHz, at 0620z. An excellent signal in AM mode; just a bit low audio. Signal had some QSB but it's clarity was excellent. Here is a short clip, unfortunately no message transmitted (as usual).

So you guys over Europe (and elsewhere), consult the Newsletter for schedules and give a try to V07! Who knows, you may catch a message! No one is excused, the latest NL contains everything a spooks DXer wants!

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

E25 YL also on 9450 kHz

At 1245z a carrier appeared on 9450 kHz and at ~1250z the YL delivered the control message "785 12, 788 4, 13". At 1254z a brief pause occurred and as this stereo soundfile proves, E25 operators played back the session for a couple of minutes past 1254z.

The Right channel is the beginning of the transmission at 1250z and the Left channel is the playback at 1254z. There are no obvious timing differences (echoes) so the 1250z and 1254z transmissions are the same.

Utility comms on 6140 kHz

My recorder got a QSO on 6140 kHz USB. These are two processed samples recorded at 0806z and 0807z. There is also a weak digital stream, 1000 Hz to <4000 Hz (tone, PSK(?) streams, tone). Any ideas?

Saturday, 27 October 2007

E10 FDU along with Voice of Greece

The usual spot of FDU, a presumably test-callsign of E10, is 6210 kHz. As always I was looking for E25 and I was tuning around 6140 kHz. So I stumbled upon E10 on 6210 kHz, calling FDU at 0928z. On the same frequency was Voice of Greece playing music related to the National Holiday of 28th October. E10 was calling "FDU" sporadically so I manage to record only one instance. No message followed. At 0946z E10 was calling FDUK (again with VoG QRM) and at 0951z FDU again. Finally, at 1015z I logged FDU8 without QRM this time!

Friday, 19 October 2007

E25 has a young lady

E25 has a YL operator!
I always was curious if the info in the Enigma Control List regarding E25 and its female counterpart is accurate. Indeed, experienced Enigmans are accurate! I was lucky enough to record her twice yesterday (Thursday 18/10) on 6140 kHz:

At 0855z a blank carrier appeared and at 0859z a YL started calling "200 3"! This ended at ~0902z. Listen!

Her second and most interesting appearance occurred at 0929z. The characteristic noise was heard when the transmitter turned on and after a couple of seconds the YL started calling "323"! Three minutes later she said "Message" trice and she handed the microphone to the well-known OM for the message:

"8001 5311 7129 4736 8505 3482 0671 3495 3546 5311",

then "Rebeat" x 3 as usual, and EOM EOT at ~0935z. Here is the whole session!

Note that the 2nd and last group are the same, and the 1st group gives the group count (10) and 8 as a serial number.

So that's how E25 sounds in my QTH without RAI. And that's how the long-awaited YL sounds!