Wednesday, 11 July 2007

A nice ART / JSR mix

For a couple of minutes a fight between E10 JSR (the intruder) and ART happened on 5435 kHz (ART's home frequency) at 1500z. Here is the recording of their "quarrel"!

ART finally sent its g26 ZSWMU message (an old one).

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

E25 on 6140 kHz with more power and new songs

Usually E25 sounds like this here in Crete, in USB mode with RAI interfering. This makes things very hard to me because I always get confused about what the operator says!

Today operators decided to help by increasing their power and playing new music in AM mode. Unfortunately no message followed; the entire session lasted from ~1100z to 1127z. Here is a portion of it. In the beginning only the (strong) carrier is present; in the end you can listen RAI alone. The difference is prominent. I really hope they will keep the new power settings on their transmitter and make my life easier! (And broaden the potential E25 audience!)

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Buzzer's other frequency

S28 the "buzzer" or the "foghorn" (OK it sounds like a truck's horn to me!) is using another frequency except 4625 kHz. Ary warned the Enigma 2000 group that S28 can also be found at 3842 kHz.

Here is a comparison of 4625 and 3842 kHz as recorded in USB mode today at 1920z. 3842 is weaker here and lacks the carrier. Also the tones are decaying, not like 4625 kHz.

If you're not convinced if this is S28, listen them both going in "berserk mode" near the hour (1959z). This time the first one recorded is 4625 kHz.

E10 ABC2 on 6428 kHz

I logged E10 calling ABC2 in the extremely hot island of Crete (temperature peaked at 43 degrees Celsius!) after a warning sent on Enigma 2000 Group. Very strong signal at 1922z, with slight digi QRM. Here is the sample!

Friday, 22 June 2007

Radio Show of interest: Mathematics and Codes

This is an introductory talk about Mathematics and Coding by NHK:

NHK World (English)

Friday 9th Mar 2007
Japan & The World 44 minutes:

1) "Tokyo Performing Arts Market 2007"
* Ms. Noriko Ohara / Vice Director of Tokyo Performing Arts Market
* Mr. Wie Jiyun / Secretary General PAMS
* Mr. David Fraher / Evective Director of Arts Midwest
2) "Mathematics and Codes"

Radio Show of interest: BRIXMIS Story

Here is a recording of BRIXMIS Story featured on BBC Radio 4, 11 June 2007, 1900z to 1930z.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

This is how E25 sounds on 6140 kHz, with NO RAI present!

Great luck today!

I got E25 on 6140 kHz this morning (0817z) calling "955 21" in USB mode. The frequency was clear from RAI thus giving me a chance for a signal measurement! So E25 was S7 max on 6140.

You can listen the transmission here.

Less than an hour later, at 0901z, E25 sent a message to "570". Signal was in USB, RAI-free but with some QRN. Signal was S5-S7.

Here is the message:

2313 3178 0588 1355 7091 0895 9354 8088 8008 5284
9852 1744 5259

This is the full transmission! I deliberately detune my radio to check if it was an AM transmission or LSB-suppressed. Also you can hear the switchover from the guy calling "570" to the guy sending the message.

And yes, more action followed!

At 0916z a stronger carrier appeared, and it wasn't RAI! Music followed, in AM mode, peaking S9+ but most of the times it fluctuated around S8. So this must be another transmitter on the same frequency!

Music continued and at 0930z an OM started calling "405 425" and then "405" only, under the music! The message was:

8920 8053 9788 0251 0753 8751 1008 0448 4098 8715
5405 7539

Listen what actually happened! Again, an other guy announced the message.

The music session ended at 1021z.

I'm almost sure these was two different transmissions on the same frequency. Today's observations are of great importance, if you also take account the occurrence of another test transmission from at least 0710z (as reported by Mike on E2k Group) until 0816z with a S9+ to S9++ here and S9 at 0710z in UK at 0710z.

I was extremely lucky today; being in my shack to note down signal strengths in a RAI-free frequency :-) instead of the usual record-and-check-later procedure which means no signal strength measurements!