A nice AM transmission today at 1142z, sending nearly the same message to Agent 780. Listen! As a bonus, some background chat is present too! So the OM called "780 785 49 51 788 38 41 45 46 48 50" many times, then "780" a couple of times and then a g11 message followed:
9546 4111 0310 3238 5429 9388 5757 2587 6001 6341 0310
but yesterday...
9405 3111 0310 3238 5429 9388 5757 2587 6001 6341 0310
Of course you can spot the difference! The first group is different, but the second, which gives a serial and the group count is legitimate...
26/04 3111 → 31 → 13 = serial, 11 → 11 = group count.
27/04 4111 → 41 → 14 = serial indeed increased by 1 and again 11 → 11 = gc.
Another TX occurred at 1244z again AM, "Arouh Le Min" and an OM repeating "220 4 5". ID 220 is a rare one, last appeared on 17/09/2005 and 01/09/2003 accompanied with musical intro.