Bring me Honolulu!
Santa brought me a nice present for Xmas on my screen. I proudly present you...

13551 kHz, 1330z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+48
There are no doubts anymore. 17400 km! 17400 km! ...17400 km! 5kW transmitter! A portable radio! Antenna made out of junk!
Here comes another!

5807 kHz, 1400z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
And another!

9460 kHz 1415z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
This one suffered from BC QRM. 600 Hz above was the carrier of a broadcast station interfering.
...Again the same one transmitted on different frequency...

13551 kHz, 1430z 1200 SW PACIFIC MSL PROG H+72
The next transmission (1445z) was on 3247 kHz, too low for me. OK you can't have everything!
A different chart:

5807 kHz, 1500z 1200 TASMAN - NEW ZEALAND MSL ANAL(YSIS)
(parenthesis added to avoid any misunderstandings. This is a DX blog and nothing more!)The same chart as above, on the QRMed higher frequency:

9460 kHz, 1515z 1200 TASMAN - NEW ZEALAND MSL ANAL(YSIS)
That's all for now. I hope you're impressed, and not bored! Again, the schedule can be found
I'll have to run a VOACAP run for Honolulu. I assume it must be more difficult, not because of distance, but because of the frequencies they use.